Summary of The Measure by Nikki Erlick
Introduction – A profound question about life and fate
Imagine finding a mysterious in your bed one morning. The box contains a text, and the length of the string determines the number of years you will live.
- This is the central idea of The Measure. A novel that provokes thought by Nikki Erlick.
- The novel is a mix of philosophy, science fiction, and contemporary drama. It explores:
- What do humans do when they are faced with the reality of their mortality?
- The impact on relationships, careers, and society of fate.
- The choice: whether to see the string or not.
The key question: Would you want to know your life expectancy?
Summary of the plot: The Day that the Boxes arrive
The story starts on a typical morning. Around the world, people wake up and find a mysterious wooden box bearing their name.
- Each box contains a string. No instructions, no explanations.
- People will soon realize that:
- Those who have long strings will live long lives.
- There is a limited amount of time for those with short strings.
- The world has been turned into chaos.
- Scientists are trying to discover the origins behind the boxes.
- Religious leaders take them to be signs from God.
- Governments try to control the crisis.
- Family members, friends, and lovers all struggle with the emotional effects.
Some people choose not to know the fate of their lives.
Main Characters & Their Stories
The novel is based on eight characters who each deal with the strings differently.
1. Amie – The Optimist With a Short String
Amie, a young and ambitious woman, is engaged to Ben, her long-term partner. She discovers that her short string is present when she checks the box.
The following knowledge is essential:
- Crushes her dream of a future together with Ben.
- She is forced to redefine living.
- She decides that instead of spending her time in fear, she will enjoy every moment.
2. Ben – the Heartbroken Fiance
Ben has been Amie’s fiancé for many years. He is a man with a bright future ahead of him. Ben is distraught when Amie reveals the short string.
- He is struggling with:
- The pain he felt when he watched the love of his lifetime fade away.
- They are guilty of owning a string.
- Fear of being alone.
3. Nina and Maura – A love tested by Fate
Nina is a loving couple of the same sex with Maura. The length of their strings is not the same.
There are deep-seated conflicts in this situation:
- Can they remain together knowing that one of them will die first
- They should break up to prevent future pain.
- Nina begins to push Maura with her short-string. Maura, however, refuses to go and chooses to cherish what time they still have.
4. Hank, The Political Manipulator of Fear
Hank, a politician in the making, is ambitious and calculated. He views the strings as a method to control the public. He incites terror against the short-stringers by calling them dangerous and untrustworthy. He supports legislation that discriminates against those who have short strings. He portrays himself as the Savior of long-stringers and fuels divisions in society. His hypocrisy is exposed when his son gets a string.
5. Javier – The Soldier Faced with Mortality
Javier is a young officer in the military. His short string raises a dilemma.
- Should he continue to serve, knowing that he has limited time left?
- Should he leave his family and spend the last years of his life with them?
He decides to leave the army in order to focus on his happiness.
6. Anthony – the Journalist Seeking Truth
Anthony is a journalist who specializes in investigative journalism. He attempts to unravel the mystery of the boxes.
- What is their origin?
- Who sent them?
- Does this have a scientific explanation, or is it something superstitious?
As governments and powerful forces attempt to suppress information, his search leads him to dangerous facts.
The Novel Themes, Symbolism and Symbolism
1. Fate vs. free will
- Can we influence our destiny, or is it predetermined?
- The novel explores the power of knowing.
- Some change their lives using their string information, while others destroy themselves by allowing it.
- The most important question: Is it better to be ignorant or to know the truth?
2. Love and relationships in the face of mortality
- What is the impact of knowing your lifespan on love?
- Some couples are broken up by their strings.
- Others are growing closer as they cherish the time that they have left.
- The novel explores the power and love of love beyond death.
3. Discrimination and social division
- Would society treat people differently depending on their lifespan?
- The government passes discriminatory laws towards short-stringers.
- Employers refuse to hire them.
- Social pressure can affect relationships.
- The novel shows how people separate themselves on the basis of fear and power.
4. Enjoying life fully
- When you realize that your time is limited, it forces you to live life fully.
- Amie decides to explore everything she can.
- Nina will not allow fear to destroy her love.
- Javier decides to focus on his family instead of war.
- Lesson: Every moment is essential.
- What happens to the characters at the end?
- Warning! Spoilers ahead
- The novel’s conclusion is both emotional and thought-provoking.
- Amie dies in peace, surrounded by Ben and by her loved ones. Her journey inspires me to live more fully.
- Ben is heartbroken but finds a new purpose by helping others to cherish their time.
- Nina Maura remains together. This proves that love is timeless.
- Hank is revealed for his hypocrisy, and his political career falls apart.
- Javier is at peace knowing that he spent his final days according to his own rules.
- Anthony publishes his findings revealing the Truth about the boxes — but the true origin of the boxes remains a mystery.
- The final scene leaves an open-ended question. Should our focus be on how well we live or how long we live?
Final Thoughts – A book that changes your perspective
- Measure is a novel that challenges the reader to:
- Reflect upon mortality and purpose.
- Appreciate relationships more deeply.
- Take advantage of the moment.
- The biggest lesson: What matters is not how long the string is but what you do in the time that you have.
- Recommended for lovers of philosophical fiction and deep-seated stories!